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Homestay: May The Host Be With You

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fully immerse yourself into another culture?

There are many good options to choose from when you travel, whether it be the traditional accommodations, hotels or apartment rentals. But have you considered this truly unique and meaningful alternative: living with a host family, also known as a homestay? You may not know but it's affordable, gives you an instant support system, and can help your immersion into the local language and culture. Homestay is becoming more and more popular because it offers a more memorable experience.

Let's face it, the idea of moving in with a family who are complete strangers is intimidating, especially if you don't speak their language or you are not familiar with the cultural nuances. Guess what? The feeling is mutual. Fortunately, most host families will be patient and understanding as long as you're putting in the effort to respect them. They will also help you adjust and make your stay with them as pleasant as possible.

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What is a Homestay?

Homestay provides an opportunity to stay with a local family. It's an affordable accommodation alternative, ideal for independent leisure travelers of all ages, students who study abroad or participate in student exchange programs, au pairs, and anyone seeking a real and genuine travel experience. It allows you to experience the local community and culture of the place you’re visiting. Homestay now offers guests a selection of over 63,000 rooms in over 176 countries.

What is a Host Family?

Host family provides board and lodging to travelers, students and au pairs. The host may have a spare room they're willing to rent for a small fee that provides the opportunity for anyone looking for a life-changing experience to see a different perspective of the place they're visiting. To read more about the different types of host families, click here.

What to Expect Living With a Host Family?

Keep in mind every homestay experience is just as different as the families who host. This may or may not be the first time the family is hosting travelers. This is important because if the host has had experience hosting travelers before, then they'll have a better understanding of what you'll need help with and advise you on best practices to be able to navigate with ease where you're visiting on your own. With that said, there's always a chance you're the first, and that's a wonderful opportunity as well. Try to be understanding and patient. Both you and your host family will learn a lot from living with each other. Your family should have been thoroughly evaluated and interviewed, you get to eat the same food, learn languages much faster, be included in family events and celebrations (after all you're part of the family) and see them as your second family away from home.

Sign Up to Become a Host Family

Monetize your spare room - earn extra income renting out your spare room to international and domestic students, tourists and professionals. Decide who stays, how long and price.

Travel is about people: because people turn a location into culture, time into experiences and strangers into friends.


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